Bridging the gaps in healthcare for women in Nigeria

A First Lady, a doctor, a healthcare and cancer care advocate… There is no shortage of words to describe Dr. Zainab Shinkafi A. Bagudu. Our latest guest, Dr. Zainab joins us to discuss her work, her drive and her determination to overcome the cultural, societal and systemic barriers preventing Nigerian women from accessing cancer care.

Influenced by the years she spent as a paediatrician at the NHS and fueled by her passion for healthcare, Dr. Zainab Shinkafi A. Bagudu leveraged her expertise and access to government to launch life-changing healthcare initiatives for women in Nigeria. It is through awareness, advocacy, partnership and mentorship that Zainab hopes to challenge the gender disparities in the Nigerian healthcare system. 

Realising the key role collaborations and partnerships could play in bringing greater, more equitable and practical cancer care solutions to women in Nigeria,  Dr. Zainab Shinkafi A. Bagudu works tirelessly to bring together policy makers, the private sector, healthcare organisations and industry partners, like Roche, to improve awareness and access to cancer care.  

Stories of Daring to address challenges in Women’s Health

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