Code of conduct

Defining how we do business - every day, everywhere
The Roche Group Code of Conduct states the expectations Roche has as an employer towards employees and sets forth the standards for business behaviour that apply throughout the Roche Group.

Fostering a compliance culture

All employees and all others acting on behalf of Roche must comply with the Roche Group Code of Conduct, regardless of their location and the nature of their work. Also, following the “One Roche Approach” principle, the set forth standards are equally binding for Group Functions, the Pharmaceutical and the Diagnostics Division.

The Roche Group Code of Conduct is built on the Roche Values. The code contains guidance in the areas of products and services, personal integrity, corporate integrity, employment, company assets, responsible business and comprehensive compliance management. It also provides questions and answers, examples and information on where to find more detailed guidance on the various topics. Roche employees, as well as business critical business partners, are trained on the key compliance principles by a global mandatory eLearning. The eLearning focuses on the following topics: bribery & improper advantages, gifts & entertainment, conflict of interest, discrimination & harassment, responsible use of social media & electronic communication tools, and business partners & supply chain. All employees are required to complete this eLearning when they join Roche, as well as when the Roche Group Code of Conduct gets updated every 5 years. In 2021 the completion rate of Roche employees was 98%.

Roche is corporate member of numerous pharma and diagnostics/medical device associations and adheres to the selfregulating Code of Conducts, including IFPMA, EFPIA, MedTech Europe, APACMed, MecoMed. Also on local level, Roche Affiliates are often member of the local associations, as for example interpharma, scienceindustries, Advamed US, Advamed China.

Reporting Incidents

Anyone who becomes aware of a potential violation of the Roche Group Code of Conduct can and should bring it to the attention of our Compliance experts.

The externalis available for everyone who is not a Roche employee or contractor.

Roche employees and contractors can use the following reporting channels:

  • Thein case of compliance questions or uncertainties and

  • Theto report in good faith a suspected violation, including a person they believe has done, is doing or may be about to do something that violates the Roche Group Code of Conduct or constitutes a workplace incident. The Roche Group speak up channel is a web-based service that allows for the confidential and anonymous reporting of compliance concerns, using either written or voice formats. The speak up channel operates in 103 countries and 53 languages, making it available worldwide

Non-Retaliation Policy

Any employee who raises a compliance concern in good faith acts in the interest of Roche and deserves acknowledgment. Roche does not tolerate any retaliation against an employee who raises a compliance concern in good faith. Line Managers and/or employees who retaliate will be held accountable. In case any employee deems that this principle is not adhered to, a complaint can and should be raised to the Chief Compliance Officer.

Equally, Roche does not tolerate any abuse of the Roche speak up channels.

Process for adequate handling of non-compliant cases

Roche takes all non-compliance reports seriously and is fully committed to efficiently and timely investigate them, to assess the facts and, if necessary, to take adequate corrective measures and sanctions.

Our Business Ethics Incident Management System (BEIMS) enables our Management, the Chief Compliance Officer and the Chief Group Audit and Risk Advisory Executive to capture, track and monitor alleged violations, from initial reports through to resolution.

In 2021 we received 567 reports relating to alleged violations of the Code of Conduct. The vast majority of the reports related to personal integrity cases, such as expense fraud, conflict of interest, abuse of company assets, harassment and discrimination.

On the grounds of unethical behaviour, 88 employment contracts and 8 agreements with business partners were terminated. Further sanctions of unethical behaviour of employees included warning letters, bonus reduction and downgrading of position. Also were appropriate corrective measures taken, such as coaching and trainings.

Code of conduct document

Setting forth the standards for business behaviour that apply throughout the Roche Group.

PDF Downloads

Roche Group Code of conduct (EN)Verhaltenskodex der Roche-Gruppe (DE)Código de Conducta del Grupo Roche (ES)ChineseFrenchFrench (Addendum)ItalianJapanesePortuguese (Brasil)RussianTurkish


Behaviour in Business (English)Employment Policy (English)Safety, Health & Environmental Protection PolicyThe Roche Group Code of ConductBehaviour in CompetitionSupplier Code of Conduct (English)Philanthropic Donations and Non-commercial SponsorshipGood Practice Guidelines on Working with Government Officials

Related links

Discover more

IFPMA - Code of PracticeMedTech Europe - Code of Ethical Business PracticesMecoMed - Code of EthicsSwitzerland - Pharma Cooperation CodeEFPIA - Code of PracticePhRMA - Code on Interactions With Health Care ProfessionalsAdvaMed - Code of EthicsAPAC Med - Code of Ethical ConductSwitzerland - Code of Conduct of the Pharmaceutical Industry

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