Year of Birth
General Counsel
University of Basel (law and economics)
Doctor of Law (Dr. iur), 1980
Admission as Attorney, 1981
Notary public Basel, 1984 (not practising)
Corporate Law Department of the Roche Group
Head of Business Development and Pharma Marketing Services Roche Grenzach, Germany
Assistant to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Roche Holding Ltd
Head of Human Resources Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Germany
Speaker of the Management Board, Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Germany
Chairman of the Executive Board of Roche Deutschland Holding GmbH
Secretary to the Board of Directors of Roche Holding Ltd and Corporate Compliance Officer of the Roche Group
Member of the Corporate Executive Committee of the Roche Group
Head of Corporate Human Resources and Pharma Site Management Basel and Kaiseraugst
Head of Corporate Services and Human Resources
General Counsel
Member of the Board (former President 2009-2011) of SwissHoldings (Federation of Industrial and Service Groups in Switzerland)
Vice-Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Germany-Switzerland (Chairman 2014-2016)
Member of the Board of Trustees of the Fritz Gerber Foundation for talented young people
Member of the Board of Trustees of the Paul Sacher Foundation
Member of the Board of Trustees of the Humer Foundation
Chairman of the Friends of Phelophepa Foundation, Switzerland
Member of the Board of Trustees of swisscontact
Member of the University Council Basel
Member of the Advisory Board of the University of Bologna Law Review
Chairman, Statistisch-Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft Basel
Award of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
Chairman of the "Verein der Ostschweizer Freunde der Eringerrasse"
Member of the Board of Trustees of Zschokkehaus der Studentenschaft Basel
1986-1990 President of the Officers' Association of Basel City
2003-2008 Board member of the Basilea Pharmaceutica AG
2014-2018 Chairman of the Board of scienceINDUSTRIES, Switzerland
2017-2018 Vice-Chairman, 2007-2018: Board member and Member of the Committee of the Board of economiesuisse (Swiss Business Federation)
Captain of Infantry
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