
The Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) with the Compliance Officers network is committed to ensuring that the Roche Group Code of Conduct is consistently complied with throughout the Roche Group.

Chief Compliance Officer

The Chief Compliance Officer serves as a contact person for Roche employees, as well as for shareholders, business partners, customers and the general public on issues relating to the implementation of and compliance with the.

She coordinates and liaises with the local and regional Compliance Officers and strives to continuously improve Roche’s compliance program. This includes ensuring that examples of best practice are regularly shared network and that Compliance regulations and tools are continuously reviewed and updated. She also captures, tracks and monitors alleged violations reported by Compliance Officers resolution through an online business ethics incident reporting system (BEIR), until their resolution.

Compliance Officers

Our comprehensive Compliance Officer Network includes more than 150 local Compliance Officers located at our affiliates worldwide. They have the following responsibilities, in particular, but not limited to:

  • ensuring that employees know where they can ask for help and advice if they have doubts about the correct business behaviour

  • networking and collaborating with local, regional and global compliance experts in order to identify and take advantages of synergies between Pharmaceuticals and Diagnostics/Diabetes Care

  • coordination of local compliance endeavours, initiatives and training programs

  • support and conduct compliance monitoring, compliance controls and compliance audits

  • supporting local line management in integrity risk-management processes

  • documenting all local ethical incidents and the steps taken to address them

  • supporting Line Management in the adequate handling of local non-compliance cases, including reporting in the Business Ethics Incident Reporting system (BEIR)

  • encourage employees to speak up in case of a compliance concern

Reporting incidents

Anyone who becomes aware of a potential violation of the Roche Group Code of Conduct can and should bring it to the attention of their line manager or supervisor, to the local Compliance Officer or the Chief Compliance Officer (, direct phone number: +41 61 688 48 90).


Pascale Schmidt
Chief Compliance Officer


The Roche Group Code of ConductBehaviour in Business (English)Behaviour in CompetitionEmployment PolicySafety, Health & Environmental Protection PolicySupplier Code of Conduct (English)Philanthropic Donations and Non-commercial SponsorshipGood Practice Guidelines on Working with Government Officials

Related links

Discover more

IFPMA - Code of PracticeEFPIA - Code of PracticeAdvaMed - Code of EthicsMedTech Europe - Code of Ethical Business PracticesAPAC Med - Code of Ethical ConductMecoMed - Code of EthicsPhRMA - Code on Interactions With Health Care ProfessionalsSwitzerland - Code of Conduct of the Pharmaceutical IndustrySwitzerland - Pharma Cooperation Code

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