Local Safety Officers

In Roche Diagnostics, our patient and customer safety are our top priority. In order to ensure the safety of our patients and customers, as well as compliance with regulatory authorities, every Affiliate has a designated Local Safety Officer to ensure the proper handling of complaints, including events that are associated with a death, injury or deterioration in health of our customers/ patients and events involving product issues that may result in the death, injury or deterioration of health of a customer/ patient if the event were to recur.

If you become aware of an event described above, please contact your country’s Local Safety Officer immediately. They will provide you further instructions to ensure that the event is documented and escalated to the appropriate functions within Roche. The event must be assessed for reporting to the Regulatory Authorities, investigated to determine the cause of the issue and assessed to determine if additional activities are needed to protect patients and customers.

Please select your affiliate below to access the contact details of your Local Safety Officer (LSO).

This website contains information on products which is targeted to a wide range of audiences and could contain product details or information otherwise not accessible or valid in your country. Please be aware that we do not take any responsibility for accessing such information which may not comply with any legal process, regulation, registration or usage in the country of your origin.

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