Combating the Global Threat

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major threat to global health, reducing the effectiveness of treatments for infections and potentially leading to millions of deaths each year. To play our part in global health security, Roche is actively collaborating with various partners to innovate and develop new antibiotics. Aon which Dr Michael Lobrtiz, Global Head of Infectious Diseases Therapeutic Area, Pharma Research & Early Development, represented Roche, highlighted the critical need to translate intentions into actions. Through initiatives like the AMR Action Fund - a USD1 billion effort to bring two to four new antibiotics to market by 2030 - Roche is supporting the development and accessibility of essential treatments. In addition, our involvement in the Incubator for Antibacterial Therapies in Europe (INCATE) demonstrates our commitment to bridging the innovation gap in AMR by supporting young companies and academic teams worldwide.

 Read more about how we partner with the Global AMR R&D Hubthat highlights the integral role in the multifaceted approach needed to safeguard global health for future generations.

Photo © World Health Summit

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