Income generating activities with ActionAid in Malawi

Re&Act & ActionAid established the Income-Generating Activities Project as of 2018 to support the operational costs of the centres, to motivate and create incentives for caregivers. The income-generating activities were: chicken rearing, farming and bee-keeping.

Project Outcomes

  • Poultry management: 60 community members benefitted from poultry management training. This training improved the care of 100 chickens resulting in the centres harvesting on average 22 eggs per day by the end of the project. The CBCC’s are using their profits from the chickens to support further income generating activities such as sweet potato, soya bean and maize production.

  • Agriculture training: ActionAid provided climate resilient agriculture training to 120 community members in 2019 and provided 3 CBCC’s with soya bean seed and 50 bundles of sweet potato vines for farming. By 2020, the CBCC’s harvested their product and used the profits to support maintenance at the CBCC.

  • Beekeeping: In 2019, 30 beehives were established in Ntchisi forest. By June 2020, the CCBCC’s harvested their first load of honey for distribution to local supermarkets. These profits support the CBCC’s in further income generating activities and maintenance of the CBCC.

ActionAid is an international non-governmental organization whose primary aim is to work against poverty and injustice worldwide. ActionAid is a federation of 45 country offices that works with communities, often via local partner organisations, on a range of development issues. Our collaboration with ActionAid Malawi is made possible through a partnership with the Roger Federer Foundation, which has a broader comprehensive early childhood initiative in Malawi.

For more information on ActionAid Malawi, click

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