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Leading the way to early and innovative breast cancer treatment in Algeria

Karima Belhanafi, an Algerian mother of four, was able to access an innovative treatment for metastasis breast cancer, allowing her to return to her normal life. “I’m thankful every day,” she says.

In 2023, after recovering from treatment for breast cancer that was discovered in 2018, Karima was finally back to work at the job she loved as an administrative assistant at a company where her manager and co-workers considered her indispensable. Educating her four children is Karima’s passion, and all were flourishing in school, with her oldest pursuing degrees in engineering and architecture.

Not long after, however, she began to have difficulties with her vision, and experienced other symptoms that led her to a doctor, who discovered that cancer had spread to her brain.

For Karima, the news was devastating. During her first round of treatment years earlier, which included chemotherapy and a mastectomy, she disliked feeling “like a lazy person,” and having to rely on her sister and children to do all the shopping, cooking, and other chores. Her oldest son dropped out of school for a time to care for her, and her 14-year-old daughter prepared family meals. Her husband left her, taking financial support for the family with him.

Fortunately, 2023 was the year that innovative, targeted breast cancer therapies became available to patients. Through a partnership with Algerian health authorities and Roche Algeria, patients like Karima were able to receive a diagnosis earlier than before. Despite her financial difficulties, Karima was able to access the medication with full reimbursement because of the universal healthcare coverage provided by the Algerian healthcare system. With advanced care and treatment provided by her oncologists, and the support of her family, Karima soon regained her vision and experienced significant health improvements.

Like Karima, about 14,000 women in Algeria develop breast cancer annually, and about 4,500 die each year. In 2016, more than 70% of breast cancer cases were detected at an advanced stage. The country lacked a comprehensive cancer registry and systematic data collection, making it difficult to plan for breast cancer prevention and treatment programs. 

To combat these statistics, Roche Algeria, in partnership with the Algerian health authorities, has been at the forefront of improving breast cancer care. The collaboration supports campaigns for early detection and diagnosis, providing education and training to healthcare professionals and patients. Disease registries and clinical studies have also been developed and screening technologies, including mobile mammography, have been made available.

The partnership also introduced innovative treatments for patients like Karima that were unavailable before 2023. Karima was one of the first patients in Algeria to be treated with a targeted biologic drug.

Thanks to these efforts, the statistics have flipped. As little as 10 years ago, 70% of breast cancer cases were detected at a late stage. Today, 70% of cases now are detected early, increasing the odds of successful treatment.

When Karima started her second round of treatments, she began to notice the other breast patients at the hospital. “That gave me courage,” she says. When she left the hospital after treatment, she was happy to tell her sister, “Look, I can see you.” Her vision had returned.

Karima’s mobility has returned and she is slowly feeling back to normal. “After four months, I was able to cook for my kids, go to school to ask teachers how I could help them with their studies, and do my own shopping,” she says. “Sometimes I feel tired, but I’m hoping to go back to work.” Her children are doing well in school, and passing their exams. Her doctor is happy with the results of her treatment, and optimistic about her future.

“I wake up every morning thankful that I’m still alive,” she says.

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