Sustainability at Roche

Sustainably is deeply rooted in Roche’s history and culture.

Through our transformative medicines and diagnostic solutions we contribute to improving outcomes for patients. Doing it sustainably reflects our unwavering commitment to all our stakeholders and future generations.

Our Sustainability Strategy builds on our purpose and establishes clear priorities to create long-term societal and financial value. We are taking action to integrate sustainability into everything we do and focus on three areas where we can have the most impact:

  • Access to innovation and health equity
    We want to maximise access to our innovative medicines and diagnostics solutions and advance health equity for patients.

  • People
    We are committed to fostering an inclusive work environment where people can thrive.

  • Environment
    We aim to make a positive contribution to the health of nature, water systems, climate & people.

Our governance processes act as an essential foundation for our priorities, ensuring we uphold high standards of business ethics and integrity, diligently manage risks and transparently report on our progress.

Access to innovation and health equity

Access to innovation and health equity are core to our business and key to our commitment to improve patient outcomes. We want to maximise access to our innovative medicines and diagnostics solutions and advance health equity for patients.

Advancing healthcare

Since the founding of our company, we have been developing innovative solutions for a wide range of chronic and life threatening health conditions that continue to revolutionise healthcare.

Access to innovation

Our approach to increasing access to healthcare ensures our life-changing solutions reach people around the world.

Health Equity

Roche is committed to integrating health equity throughout the product lifecycle, ensuring diverse clinical trial populations, accessibility to innovations, and improved quality of life globally.


Our pledge to create positive and sustainable social value goes beyond healthcare. We are dedicated to making a lasting impact on society by building stronger and healthier communities.

Work environment

Our people are at the heart of our business. We are committed to fostering an inclusive work environment where people can thrive, that keeps employees safe and healthy, embraces diversity and reflects the communities we serve.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We ensure that diversity, equity, and inclusion are woven into the fabric of our organization. This approach enhances our workplace culture, drives innovation and strengthens our impact on patients and society.

Safety, Health and Wellbeing

We are committed to creating a healthy and safe work environment, considering both physical and psychosocial aspects of employee wellbeing.


Respect for the environment has always been a priority for Roche, working across our value chain to cut emissions and minimise the impact of our products at every stage. We aim to make a positive contribution to the health of nature, water systems, climate & people.

Climate Change

We recognise climate change as one of the largest global risks and are committed to addressing it as a matter of urgency. We are committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2045.

We thoroughly analyse and manage climate change risks as an integral part of our environmental risk management in order to avoid, reduce or mitigate these negative impacts. For our analysis we follow the TCFD framework (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures).

Sustainable Products

Roche is committed to integrating sustainability across the entire product lifecycle, from design to disposal.

Biodiversity & Water

We are committed to safeguarding biodiversity and managing water resources responsibly. We aim at minimising our environmental impact, managing dependencies on natural resources and contributing to their regeneration.

Our goals and impact

We can help mitigate and overcome today’s most pressing environmental issues by setting realistic but ambitious goals and continuously measuring and monitoring our total environmental impact.

Sustainability in procurement practices

Our commitment to sustainability stretches beyond our own business practices – it also includes ensuring our suppliers’ approach to sustainability aligns with Roche’s.

Our procurement goals and performance align with the Roche Group Strategy and ensure the sustainable supply of medicines and diagnostics to our patients.

Risk management and prevention

Protecting the environment is integral to our operations. Devoting special attention to prevention by reducing risks is key to effective environmental management.

Sustainability governance

Our governance processes act as an essential foundation for our priorities, ensuring we uphold high standards of business ethics and integrity, diligently manage risks and transparently report on our progress.

Our approach to sustainability governance

We integrate sustainability into our corporate vision, values, operating standards and guidelines.

Business Ethics & Integrity

We are dedicated to maintaining high standards of business ethics and integrity. Each employee and business partner has the duty to act with integrity and comply with our standards and guidelines.

Our role as a responsible corporate entity means that we respect and support the integration of human rights across our global operations and value chain.

Risk Management

We embed risk and opportunity management into our business practices at all levels of the Roche Group.

Stakeholder engagement

We engage regularly and systematically with our internal and external stakeholders to understand their needs and build mutual trust. We ensure that we address legitimate interests of our stakeholders to make informed decisions on how we run our business.

Partnering with patientsPartnering with suppliersEngaging with policy makersCooperation with healthcare professionals

Sustainability performance

Transparency and accountability are essential to maintain trust and fulfil our purpose. We measure our sustainability performance against our time-bound goals, reporting publicly to promote transparency and improve our business everywhere we operate.

Sustainability Reporting

We are committed to transparent reporting and we endeavor to drive our economic, social and environmental performance with the same diligence as our financial performance.

Key performance indicators

We create value for all our stakeholders and track our performance against key financial and non-financial indicators.

Double Materiality Assessment

We conducted a double materiality assessment (DMA) to identify our material sustainability topics.

ESG Index

We provide an overview of our sustainability initiatives & reporting across the three pillars of ESG: Environment, Society and Governance.

GRI index

We report in accordance with standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) .

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